2014 Press Releases (Jul-Dec)

Richard Reese (Hensel Phelps) had a dream to bring Jean-Michel Cousteau to Arizona to talk to Arizona students about saving our oceans.
A local team of business executives joined Mr. Reese to make that dream a reality: Michelle De Blasi (Gammage & Burnham), Ben Barcon (ADM Group), Don Keuth (Phoenix Community Alliance), Kelly Mc-Cullough (Eight, Arizona PBS), Dr. Honora A. Norton (Rotary Club of Scottsdale) and Denise Brittain.
The local team’s oceans project took shape through generous sponsorships of Core Construction, Gammage & Burnham Attorneys at Law, ADM Group, Stone Cold Masonry, Urban Energy Solutions, Pueblo Mechanical & Controls, Wholesale Floors, Progressive Roofing, Gila River Indian Community, Dick and Bette Reese, Mr. & Mrs. Funderburk and Dr. Honora Norton and Michael Elert.
Jean Michel Cousteau through his family’s Ocean Futures Society (www.oceanfutures.org), serves as Ocean Future’s spokesman. Jean-Michel is an impassioned diplomat for the environment, reaching out for more than four decades to the public through a variety of media.
Jean-Michel has dedicated himself and his vast experience to communicate to people of all nations and generations his love and concern for our water plan - he is an explorer, diver, environmentalist, educator and film producer.
Ocean Futures Society, a nonprofit marine conservation and education organization, serves as a “ Voice for the Ocean” by communicating in all media the critical bond between people and the sea and the importance of wise environmental policy.
On Oct. 13, Jean-Michel arrived at Phoenix’s Sky Harbor airport and made his way to a reception at the Palomar Hotel to meet with the local oceans project team, guests, Arizona school district leaders, various city officials and donors.
The next morning, Jean Michel made his way to the local ASU Channel 8 KAET Arizona PBS Studios. Kelly McCullough and staff facilitated the two-hour filming of Jean-Michel’s talk, ‘ The Sustainable Future: Preserve the Oceans, Protect Ourselves.’ Close to 300 students from varied school districts attended and toward end of program eagerly asked questions. The program will be available on-demand via KAET’s education network, ASSET.
The local team is encouraging Arizona schools to add oceanography/saving our oceans educational modules to its science programs.
Scottsdale Rotary Honors One of Its Veteran Members
At a recent Rotary Club of Scottsdale (RCS) luncheon meeting, Kyrsten Sinema, 9th District Congresswoman, presented RCS club member COL Albert Park Shaw USA Retired with a commendation award and a US flag which has flown over the US Capitol. This honor was in recognition of COL Shaw's exemplary service to our country during his distinguished military career and for his continued service to our country as a vital member of many military and community service organizations.
In 2006, COL Shaw was inducted into the Arizona Veterans Hall of Fame - this award was presented by Governor Napolitano. Col Shaw was inducted into the Infantry Officer Candidate School Hall of Fame in 1991 (an honor bestowed upon only 1% of it’s graduates).Colonel Shaw graduated from Kentucky Military Institute in 1942, the summer after Pearl Harbor, and immediately enlisted in the Army. At 19 years old, he was commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant, infantry, at Ft. Benning, Georgia. He served extensively in the Southwest Pacific during World War II and participated in the initial assault wave on Luzon, Philippines, in 1945 and in the initial occupation of Hokkaido, Japan. Following the war, Colonel Shaw served as member of the General Staff at the 6th Army Headquarters at the Presidio in San Francisco. To learn more about Rotary Club of Scottsdale membership, programs and community service projects see - www.scottsdalerotary.org.
Scottsdale Rotary Recognizes Its Exchange Students
Rotary Club of Scottsdale Youth Exchange Committee Chairperson, Max Rumbaugh, introduced the club's out-going and returning Rotary Youth Exchange students to club members. Wyatt Miller, after graduating from Chaparral High School, spent a year at a high school in Italy and now plans to attend ASU Barrett Honors College. Lili Donnenwirth, graduated from Arcadia High School. She has left Scottsdale to spend a year at a High School in Germany. Upon her return, Lili hopes to attend American University in Washington DC to study International Affairs.
Rotary International's Youth Exchange is a study-abroad opportunity for young people who spend anywhere from a few weeks to a full year as an international student hosted by local Rotary clubs. The Rotary Club of Scottsdale, has a long history of sponsoring in-bound and out-bound exchange students during its 60 years existence in Scottsdale. To learn more about Rotary Club of Scottsdale membership and its outstanding youth and speaker programs see - www.scottsdalerotary.org.
Busy Rotary Club of Scottsdale welcomes its Exchange Student and Installs the Rotary Club at City of Scottsdale's Civic Plaza
Thursday July 24, 2014 was a busy day for Rotary Club of Scottsdale. Rotary International's District 5510 Governor, John Pennypacker; Club President, Tim Baughman; several club members/families; the host family; and, others were on site atPhoenix Sky Harbor Airport to greet Valentina, the Club's 2014-15 In-bound Rotary International Youth Exchange Student. Valentina arrived on time and safely from Coyhaique, a city in southern Chile, just in the western shadows of the AndesMountain range. The Rotary Club is so excited to be hosting her for this school year. Valentina will be attending a City ofScottsdale high school. The Rotary Club of Scottsdale is also sponsoring a high school student who will be going toGermany for the next school year.
Rotary Youth Exchange (RYE) is a Rotary International student exchange program for students in secondary school. Since 1929, Rotary International has sent young people around the globe to experience new cultures. Currently, about 9,000 students are sponsored by Rotary clubs every year. Typically, students are sent to another country for a year-long stay, generally living with multiple host families during the year and being expected to perform daily tasks within the household, as well as, attend school in the host country. Valentina has already begun participating in the Club's 4-day orientation program, which includes spending an afternoon with a returned Rotary Youth Exchange student who went toBrazil two years ago. Pictured, Rotarian Max Rumbaugh greeting Valentina at the airport and Valentia with her new family and Rotarian friends.
Also, on July 24, 2014, several club members were on site at City of Scottsdale's Civic Plaza to witness the exciting installation of the "Rotary Clock." The Rotary Clock became a reality via the dedicated project leadership of clubmember, Jason Washo, and through the generous donations to the Scottsdale Rotary Foundation by many club members, area businesses and club friends. The Club's Foundation supports many community projects, such as this project and Scottsdale's Rotary Park, as well as, annually the Foundation provides tens of thousands of dollars in scholarship to deserving Scottsdale youth. The Club's Board of Director's extends sincere thank yous to all who supported this project with their gifts of time, talent and resources. For more information about the Club, its meetings, its projects or about membership - see www.scottsdalerotary.org Pictured: Team Fishel staff installing the Rotary Clock and Rotarian Jason Washo, with fellow Rotarian, the Honorable City of Scottsdale Mayor Jim Lane