Scottsdale Rotarians provide financial support to their youth and community projects through the Scottsdale Rotary Foundation.  This is a separate not-for-profit corporation whose officers and board of directors are elected by the members of the Rotary Club of Scottsdale.  All contributions to the Scottsdale Rotary Foundation are tax deductible. For more information, please visit the Scottsdale Rotary Club Foundation website at:  

Programs currently supported by the Foundation include:

Youth Scholarships
Youth Salute
Youth Exchange

In 2011, the Scottsdale Rotary Club Foundation chose to honor the memory of one of its long-time members Bob McCall and his wife Louise McCall, by creating and fully funding a permanent, endowed visual arts scholarship in their names.  For more information, please go to The Bob and Louise McCall Visual Arts Scholarship Prize.

Support for the Scottsdale Rotary Foundation comes primary from voluntary contributions from Scottsdale Rotarians and their friends.  Major contributors are recognized as Rolly Fellows, an award named after the first President of the Rotary Club of Scottsdale, Roland "Rolly" Feltman.  Major donors may also be recognized at the Unity Plaza at Rotary Park.   

For more information on the Foundation and how you can support its important work, please contact the Foundation's President or any member of the Board of Directors listed on the Homepage.   

To send a tax-deductable donation in support of our important work with the youth of our community, make your check out to the Scottsdale Rotary Foundation and mail it to:

PO Box 5633
Scottsdale AZ 85261-5633